What A Wonderful Year

Happy Birthday to me!

That's right, despite the entire world thinking I'm 17, I am in fact turning 23 today, an age that I can't quite believe I've reached. The benefits of having a babyface, I suppose, is that I can live in age related denial for longer than most.

Whilst the number of this birthday isn't particularly significant in societal terms, apart from the fact I'm reaching 23 on the 23rd as my oldest friend excitedly exclaimed to me a few days ago, it falls upon a usual post day and so I thought I'd take the chance to muse upon all that the last year has brought about. This may be a little similar to my most recent New Year's post, but the two events do inspire reflection and a whole eight months has passed since then (and when I say passed, I mean raced by at the speed of light!).

Making the trailer for my Youtube channel first prompted this line of thought, as I listed the countries that I had filmed since October (when I made my very first vlog, eek!). That didn't even cover all the countries that I had visited since certain trips, India in particular, didn't seem to fall under the spectrum of "light hearted" that I feel necessary for such videos. As I rewatched this two minute spectacle, hearing my own voice listing country after country, I was astounded by how easily I come to accept such things as 'normal'.

There is nothing normal about it, of course, but like most other people I come to accept my reality as such. It was an exciting experience to realise how many amazing opportunities I have been granted in the last year. Some, like New York, were spectacular; some, like Ghana, were a little less of a daily enjoyment. But all of it has combined to gift me with a remarkable 365 days, a year that I will surely look back on fondly.

Which is not to say it was all sweetness and light, of course it wasn't! Last year I was newly single, and promptly gave up dating for most of my 22nd (23rd?) year. I've had more meltdowns than I can possibly count, hours of sobbing on my mother or close friends about the pain of the past and the fear of the future. But, as we are apt to do, those moments pale in comparison to the joy that had weaved it's way through my life.

In other news it has been a year since I relaunched this little space, which of course means I am itching to change it again. My current budget constrains me, not least because my iPhone has died a screen cracked death and thus all spare pennies are going into the new mobile fund, but I hope to make changes in other ways. I love keeping the site that bears my name fresh, and I can't help but feel that it has stagnated a little in recent months. Growth has always been slow but steady, but the plateau has lasted a little longer than I would have liked. It's time to up my game, and get back into this blogging business that I find myself floating through. Thankfully my birthday wish list was almost entirely filled with camera equipment, so my new lens and (first ever!) DSLR (my stepfather is a total babe) will give me ample opportunity to experiment and hopefully improve.

Anyway I'm off to eat cake with my twin and my fam, and celebrate us turning that little bit older. Life is such a precious resource, and what better way to acknowledge that than with the consumption of delicious icing covered carbs? 

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  1. Happy birthday lovely!! I hope you're having the most amazing day & I only wish you the best for this new chapter :) I'm looking forward to everything coming up on your blog, keep up the wonderful work x


    1. Thank you so much Sara!! You're such a lovely blogging friend, I'm really glad we're getting to know each other on this wonderful web :) xx

  2. Happy Birthday! Continue to enjoy life to the fullest.


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