The Coney Island Mermaid Parade

Remember a few weeks ago when I was lucky enough to be a mermaid? Well I filmed it, in all it's seaside glory. Aren't you lucky?!

I wrote a lot about the day in my last post, but I think this vlog really captures the magic that the parade brings to Brooklyn each year. Adorable dogs dressed up as sailors, political statements made through fishy metaphors, and many, many mermaids: the day holds it all.

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Also I apologise for my threat midway through (you'll see), but there's only so much perverted leering you can take in one day. They were, thankfully, in the very small minority, but I was ready to use force in necessary. Luckily for them, the looks eased off after I made the threat on camera. They were totally scared of me.


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  1. I really want to visit Coney Island when I next go to New York, it just looks so fun and quirky! x

    Tamz |

    1. You should definitely go if you can, quirky is such a great word to describe it! Thanks for your comment Tamzin :)


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