I Want To Be A Nomad

Living A Nomadic Lifestyle

When I grow up, I want to be a nomad.

I want to carry my possessions with me, jumbled in suitcases that I haul across the world. Three months here, four months there; a life lived across continents. I want to follow my heart that spans the world, grabbing coffee with Annalisa in Colorado and cake with Brittany in Copenhagen. Cafes will become my office, different ones in different cities. I will learn Spanish in Barcelona and then be mocked in Bogota. I will practise French in whatever city I choose, mostly likely Paris but just as possibly Prince Edward Island. 

In the only poem I have ever written and loved, I described how I was desperate for roots but restless for adventure. In the years after graduation I long to fully explore that, at a time in my life where freedom and possibility abounds. 

I adore my currently lifestyle: Paris last Spring, Abu Dhabi now, England for Christmas, India in January, Ghana in February, the list of countries in which I have learnt valuable life lessons has grown exponentially since I took the plunge two and half years ago to live abroad. Every time I step into another culture I grow a little bit more, become a little bit braver, step further out of my comfort zone.  As I begin to envision a life after school I realise I don't want that to end, and more to the point it doesn't have to. Maybe the beauty of the Bedouins has got to me, but I truly long to lead a nomadic lifestyle. I will always have roots: with my family, friends, even here in the desert, but adventure is calling me and I can't resist it's melodic cry.

I am learning that we have to seize every opportunity, for we never know what will happen in the future. And right now this an opportunity that I can create for myself.

Now to make it happen.

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