The Bane of Blogging

Blogging photographs are the bane of my (internet) life.

I can't be the only one who feels this way, surely?

Words come relatively easily. As I walk down the street, do my weekly shop, or any number of other mundane activities, I am struck by sentences demanding to be written. I scribble ideas down or type them on my phone, and I have draft after draft of writing that I am happy with and want to share with the world.

But each post always requires a picture, and that's where I seem to fall short: envious of those with glossy, perfectly styled photographic accompaniments to their words; uncertain of how to improve; and generally feeling lacking in the visual department.

Sometimes I wish photographs weren't so important for blog promotion, but I myself know the power of a picture. I scroll through Twitter and Bloglovin, casually disregarding posts that – for all I know – could be the very words that I need to read, but just don't grab my eye. Blogger walk a tricky path across two disciplines, and our strengths invariably lie somewhere along the two. 

I don't have a photographer boyfriend to take pictures of me, which is one problem. I have wonderful friends who I can occasionally coerce, but I feel guilty and silly for posing. I'm only just starting to wrestle with the camera settings myself. When I try to take flat lays they always seem a bit bumpy, or not quite white enough. I miss the best of the light, and then try to take photographs with too much shadow. Worst of all sometimes I just don't know what would be a good visual representation - some of the posts I write don't easily inspire a photograph. 

I want to improve, both my photography and my self confidence. Half of the problem when I do pose for blog photos is that I feel silly, so I look silly. I need to get over the fear of asking friends to take photographs for me, and be better at setting them up myself. And mostly I need to enjoy it, rather than letting it stress me out.

I have come along way from the early days of this site, I know that. Better equipment would surely help, but they aren't the solution and are, more to the point, completely out of my price range right now. Instead I'm vowing to get a bit more creative, and have a bit more confidence in myself. Happily, since I started this post, I have already felt better about being behind the lens. You will surely see some of my photographic endeavors in New York soon as they accompany the posts I've been harbouring in my notes. After all, practice makes perfect - isn't that what they say?

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- Camera used: Canon EOS M with 18-55mm lens - 


  1. You hit it right on the head. I feel like I lack so much experience both with my photography as with my writing. Sentences come easy to me too, but I have trouble getting my thoughts exactly on paper in a language that is not my own. I admire other Dutch bloggers who can do as such and actually sound like a native on paper. I guess it's mainly just practice though. As for photography it is one of my favourite things to do when I'm on holiday or go on a trip, however as soon as I'm back home my camera is cast aside and I completely forget about it. Like you said it is so hard to pair the words and ideas you have with visuals to go along side it. I tried to work on that by doing a photography course at my uni. I can really suggest that as it really helped me, I just need to force myself to pick up my camera. You're definitely not the only one that feels that way.

    Love, Eline |

    1. Eline, your writing is so beautiful - I wouldn't know that you're not a native English speaker if I didn't know you! That seems like a really good idea, I might look into doing a course :) Thanks for commenting, it's always lovely to know others feel the same way.

      Liza xx

  2. I 100% agree with this! I'm completely okay with the writing side to blogging too, but I can never be as imaginative with my photos. I've always loved your photos regardless, especially your travel ones!

    Nabeela :)

    1. Thank you Nabeela for your lovely comment :) xxx

  3. I totally get where you're coming from here. I actually enjoy taking photographs, but not necessarily for my blog! I can never seem to make my blog photos match what I want - or think of what to take.
    Jennifer x
    Ginevrella | Lifestyle Blog

    1. I totally understand this Jenny, especially what you said about making photos match what you think! It's so reassuring to know others feel the same way.

      Liza xx

  4. Totally agree, photography is the painful part of blogging to me! I've definitely got better since I did a photography course which really helped. I'm also not afraid of using good stock photos - Unsplash has such amazing images all totally royalty free so I will use those if my post is mainly writing and just needs an image to go along!

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Thank you for your comment Jasmin! I'm going to check out Unsplash, that sounds so useful :) xxx

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I can relate to this post so much! I started blogging because of my love for writing & I wanted to share that with the world. So just like you said as well I don't really struggle with words, but I do struggle with finding a picture to go with the words I've written. Photography is something I really want to improve - at the moment I just take the pictures with my phone but I just don't like the quality of them at all & taking batter pictures in general is something I need to work on x

    Sara / AboutLittleThiings


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