Honey, I'm Home

As regular readers of this blog will know, I lived in New York for two months last summer and thus whether I can call it home is up for debate. 

It certainly feels like home, though. I have been welcomed into it's comforting embrace by friends, familiar places and that beautiful blue sky. Not that it's been all blue these past two days: Wednesday saw me wrestling through the rain with Tiffany, desperately fighting our way to Tiger to buy all manner of plates and cups. It was totally worth it, however, and I am head over heels in love with my little pastel collection. I also bought an umbrella because of said rain, and of course the sun has been shining ever since. I'm not complaining - I knew this would happen and saw it as my $5 investment for a sunny summer.

In short: I'm so happy to be back. 

For those that don't know I'm working on student mental health and wellbeing campaigns, a topic that I adore. I attend NYU's funny little campus in Abu Dhabi normally, so in New York I get all the wonderful NYU places to explore. I'm living in dorms with a friend from Ghana, who has been a goddess ever since I arrived and fed me/showed me all the silly little things like how to do my washing/didn't mind when I made us walk an extra (rained soaked) twenty blocks on our adventure. My boss is also one of the most wonderful women I have ever met, and I'm so excited to be working with her.

So New York feels like a pretty wonderful place to be right now, and I'm so excited to share it all with you. 

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- Camera used: Canon EOS M with 18-55mm lens - 


  1. So exciting! Love that you're making the most of your uni experience by travelling to/working/living in all these exciting places.

    N xo


    1. Thank you Naomi, I feel so lucky to have this opportunity! xxx


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