Bad Blogger

I probably write a post like this about twice a year, I know this because it always happens around the time of my exams, and when I go home to England. 

I'm being a bad blogger, with sporadic new posts and many an old link tweeted out. Each post day rolls around with a regretful look at my empty drafts, and a shrug as I admit that I won't be publishing today. I don't want to post half hearted content, so I don't post anything at all. The truth is, though, I couldn't care less. Because I'm having fun at home, drinking wine on the terrace with family members and catching up on the months apart, seeing old school friends and swapping stories. 

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I've been so happy since I got back. Each relationship feels refreshed, the sun is shining and I feel lighter than I have in months. This joy comes at the cost of my commitment to the internet, but I know you'll forgive me. With just one week at home I do have to frantically fit in many a friend or family member in order to make the most out of my brief jaunt to England. On Friday I head to Copenhagen for the weekend, to see my beautiful Kiwi best friend. Then, finally, on Tuesday it is off to New York. I am incredibly excited for all that I'm doing, and will show you in posts. But for the moment they have to wait.

So please, accept my absence. Each time my traffic drops I wonder if it will recover, and I certainly hope it does. But if you're being a bad blogger too, don't fret. We are more than the domains that bear our name, and so sometimes they become a little neglected. But when the real world is occupying our attention, who has time for the internet? 

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- Camera used: Canon EOS M with 18-55mm lens - 


  1. You're absolutely right. Blogging shouldn't be more important than life. I'm sure your views will be back and I'll definitely check back now and again to see if you've posted anything, but I don't mind if there is nothing new. Keeps me from getting distracted anyway haha. I'm currently on a bit of an hiatus now and deciding to do that has lifted some weight from my shoulders. I don't have to feel guilty for not blogging right now. I miss it though and I can't wait to get back, but for now it's the best decision I could have made.

    1. Thank you for your wonderful comment, Eline! Sometimes a break can do us the world of good, I'm glad it's helping you and I look forward to your return :)

      Liza xx

  2. Aww it makes me so happy to hear that you're having such a good time! :) Not posting regularly because you're enjoying time with your family & friends or doing something for yourself doesn't mean you're a bad blogger, not at all. It's nothing to feel guilty about, I think everyone understand that blogging isn't always the number one priority x

    Sara / AboutLittleThiings

    1. Thank you Sara! I really appreciate you agreeing, it makes it so much easier to take the time off

      Liza xx

  3. Blog guilt is a strange, wicked mistress!

  4. I completely get where you're coming from here, this year (minus the past month that is) I have been the worst blogger ever. Too busy focusing on real life for the most part but it's nothing to feel guilty of. Your life comes first. x

    1. I completely agree Isabelle, sometimes blogging has to take a back seat and that's totally okay! xx

  5. I love being offline as much as I love being online. Nothing beats physical interaction, especially when life's treating you good. I wouldn't say it's because you're a bad blogger when you miss posts though! sometimes we just need to take breaks x


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