Why I Don't Click Publish

Why I Don't Click Publish

There are so many blog posts that never make it on to the site, and often it’s from fear. Whether I feel that my writing isn’t good enough, I can’t take the right photographs for the post, or just a general sense of gloom that keeps me from clicking that little orange button.

Then there are the personal posts. The posts so gut wrenchingly honest that I feel like I have ripped my heart out and laid it for people to dissect. You probably know the ones, you may have written them yourself. Some of them make it on to this site, but most of them don’t.

And that’s okay.

As I wrote in my How To Healthily Handle Anger post, the act of writing our feelings is incredibly cathartic. We seem to have known this for centuries, given how many historical figures kept diaries. When we write our feelings down we validate them for ourselves, and no one else needs to know.

Sometimes when I am finding life hard to deal with, I cannot blog; it’s almost impossible to fight past the dark feelings eating me up to write posts that people want to read, or more specifically that I would want people to read. A lovely blogger commented on my How To Handle A Break Up post asking how she could get back into blogging after her relationship ended, and this is all I could offer her: to write. But to write from the heart, from the soul, from all the emotions that are occupying key creative space. When I start to write from the heart I can exercise out a lot of the pain that is blocking me from blogging, and it feels good to externalise it. 

Even when I’m scared, writing is a good way to get past this. Procrastination often comes from a fear of inferiority, meaning that we don’t try because we think it won’t be good enough. But until you put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard, you can’t start making something good. Great posts rarely come from nowhere, they need to be crafted. Some never reach the standard I want, but just the act of writing them has caused me to grow as a writer, and so were worth the effort. Some have sat in my drafts for months before I found a renewed inspiration to develop them into a post, this one included. 

As bloggers we have to make choices every week, sometimes every day, about what makes it on to our site. But I have come to believe that it’s what doesn’t get published that also contributes to a richness in the site and the blogger's life, and I hope that this post will help you write whatever you need to write, not just want you want people to read. 


  1. Such a well written post.
    I have many drafts that I've yet to hit that button on myself but I'm sure I'll find inspiration to complete them someday.
    Gillian  xx  EyelinerFlicks

    1. Thank you so much Gillian! I hope you do, but if not that's okay I'm sure you've grown as writer just by starting them :) xx

  2. I've just written an extremely personal post because I thought, well it's my blog so f*ck it. I know what you mean though, your finger can wait above the publish button, hovering for ages because fear is a huge part of it. It's such a shame but it really is true - however, this is a lovely, honest post so it's not all lost xx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

    1. I'm so glad you took the plunge! I definitely often have a dilemma about what I'm sharing, but it's something I'm becoming more comfortable with as my blog grows. Thank you for your lovely comment xxx

  3. You write so beautifully, I love it and I love this post; even if it is an older one, haha. That's what I love about blogs, going back and looking at old content won't mean it's out of date or not worthy looking at anymore, anything on a blog, I feel, is always relevant and always worthy reading. I think anyone who writes on any platform will at some point struggle, most likely multiple times, with finding the ability or motivation or inspiration to write. I think because we know writing isn't as simple as it seems. Yeah sure you can easily type or write some words on a page, but for those words to sound good, look good and probably convey whatever it is you're trying to say, takes effort and time. Keep up the blogging xx.


  4. I love this post so much. There are so many blogs out there and even though I love writing and creating blogposts, there is always someone who's done is better! But I know I shouldn't be comparing myself and just enjoy what I'm doing :) thank you for this reminder! X


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