Helicopter Over Niagara Falls

Helicopter ride over Niagara Falls, Canada
Helicopter ride over Niagara Falls, Canada
Helicopter ride over Niagara Falls, Canada
Helicopter ride over Niagara Falls, Canada
Helicopter ride over Niagara Falls, Canada

If there is a best way to see Niagara Falls, I would have to say that it's from the air. After viewing the magnificent falls from a boat below the gushing water, which is also fairly amazing and well worth doing, we were lucky enough to rise above the ground thanks to a generous gift from my Grandmother, and isn't it incredible?

The experience only lasts twelve minutes, but that time seems infinitely longer as you circle over the water, hearing facts that I have already forgotten. What I know I won't forget, though, is what I saw with my disbelieving eyes.

I have been so lucky with my experiences lately, it almost seems ridiculous. Whilst I was in Niagara I had an unfortunate accident which resulted in the demise of my laptop and less than a week later my clumsy personality lead to a cracked iPhone screen. Yet none of it seems to matter when I look back at these and realise how insignificant technology can be. I appreciate the irony of blogging that, believe me I do, but it's made me want to care more about people than Pinterest. Using all those social media sites is brilliant, but I think I become too invested in an illusion, and forget that reality can be beautiful when we take the time to appreciate it.

What do you think?

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