As of last week it has been six months since I started this blog. Six months of exploring topics, improving photography, learning HTML. Six months of meeting wonderful fellow bloggers on Twitter chats, and gaining more knowledge into this fascinating world.
I’ve loved it, for the most part. But recently blogging has become a lot harder, with subjects more difficult to think of and posts almost impossible to write. I’ve taken hundreds of photographs on my camera only to start to edit them and feel like they were no good. It’s stopped being fun, and I just don’t have the time or energy to devote to it right now. I’d been toying with the idea of a break for a while, and the lovely Misha K gave me some great reasons as to why it would be a good thing.
Then the worst happened: a tiny bit of water got into where water should never go, the screen of my Macbook, rendering it a useless piece of metal. My laptop is no more. So although I have hundreds of beautiful photographs of Niagara, I have no way of editing or posting them.
Call me superstitious but it seemed like a sign. So I’ve decided to take a six week break, to reevaluate the blog and how I can improve. Come September I plan to relaunch on a new platform with a brand new design, including the best of the old posts. Funnily enough as soon as I committed myself to taking time off ideas came flooding back, so there will be plenty of great new material too!
I will still be active on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, and I look forward to presenting a bigger and better
And don’t worry, the adventures of Niagara Falls and Costa Rica will definitely be detailed on the new site, so follow me on Bloglovin so that you won’t miss a thing!
I know I can be better, and I plan to spend the next six weeks proving it so that I can have a site that I love and am proud of, and you can get even more out of the experience.
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